Saturday, August 1, 2009

Since she goes to a Private Christian Preschool, Sarah Kate is easily influenced by the word of God. Needless to say, I have used this to my advantage (I'm pretty sure God wouldn't mind).

We like to play with cardboard building blocks. Sarah Kate loves to build high towers, boats, and houses. Being a typical almost 22 month old, William loves to destroy Sarah Kate's wonderful creations by knocking them down. She becomes very frustrated and is constantly trying to find ways to secure her designs from their certain fate at the hands of her brother. She usually ends up yelling at him and getting really angry. To try to diffuse her anger,I explained to her that William was only doing was he was instructed to by God. I told her that God tells babies before they are born that they are to knock down any structures that they see (blocks, legos, etc). As a baby starts to grow bigger, they slowly forget what God told them and by the time they are preschoolers they start to build their own structures without destroying them. Luckily she believed it, and I even point out that now that he is a little older he hesitates to destroy it (because he can't quite remember what God says), but then he remembers and topples it down. Here is one of her latest creations (Michael is holding William back behind the camera).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's about the funniest thing i ever heard!!!