Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sarah Kate is 4!

It has been a couple of weeks since I last posted because I have been caught up in the frenzy of planning a 4 year old birthday party. The amount of time, planning, and effort that go into a child's party is mind boggling, yet I made it through another one.

About 12 children and their family's attended "Sarah Kate's Carnival Party" at the Maher Home. The carnival included games (ring toss, treasure hunt, ducks, bean bag toss, soccer kick, whac-a-mole) and prizes as well as crafts, tattoos and face painting, a bouncy house, and child's size roller coaster. Three dozen balloons decorated the carnival area along with festival flags. Inside we enjoyed carnival style hot dogs and chips and ate ice-cream cone cupcakes while some children participated in karaoke. Michael provided the party music mix which included old-school "carnival" tunes along with Sesame Street, Laurie Berkner, and Choo Choo Soul.

Sarah Kate wore her light pink ballerina princess dress with her party crown. When we got ready to sing "Happy Birthday" I said, "one, two, three..." to which William then added "four" which got a lot of chuckles. Sarah Kate beamed when everyone sang to her and she blew out her candles. Each child left with a balloon, a bag of cotton candy, and their prize bag.

As much work as it took, seeing how great my Sarah Kate felt during this special day makes it all worth it. However, when she said, "Mommy can I have a carnival party next year?", I paused with a look of fright on my face and quickly distracted her so that I didn't have to answer. Who am I kidding? I know I'll do it all again. And so the countdown starts, 364 more days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!!! It looks like it was a great day. You guys will look back on these photographs and have some great memories to talk about when the kids get older. Fun!